We are all different vibrational manifestations of the same Energy - the creative force that is the source of all things.
For more information: Contact Jane Hightower by email: heahtur@gmail.com or telephone: (706)-860-9537
Stone Empowerment
A Resource for Both the Beginner and the Adept
This book facilitates the use of stones in different ways: for your healing and health or to augment other interests you have.
Stone descriptions are by category so each bit is easy to find.
There is a list of over 3,000 body/mind/spirit issues and the stones that balance them.
The instructions for use support the beginner and the depth of information pleases the adept.
It is time to experience the power of the Mineral Folk.
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To order: This book is available on order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble bookstores. It is also found on eBay. The version pictured above is the newest.
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The Adventures of Homer the Rabbit
Homer is a simple rabbit who must go out into the world and make a place for himself. He finds friendship with others unlike himself, learns many lessons, and overcomes his fears.
Designed to be read aloud, this book encourages conversation between parents and children on a variety of subjects.
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To order: This book is available on order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble bookstores.
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All information on this web-site is intended to be a supportive part of a holistic approach to health and not intended to replace allopathic medicine (medical doctors), chiropractic care, counseling, or other integrative health modalities. To be truly holistic, use everything at your disposal for your total health and highest good.