My name, Hightower, is derived from the old English term heah tur, which means a "high tower". Often the castle keep or a watch tower was placed on a high hill or heah tor; so you have a heah tur.
It elicits for me the feeling of energy centers like Sedona, AZ (natural) or Stonehenge (man-made) where the power of place brings heightened healing grace to those who seek it.
Writing the Stone Empowerment book was a birthing – a genesis – for me, and so I call my healing practice Heah Tur Genesis.
For more information: Contact Jane Hightower by email: heahtur@gmail.com or telephone: (706)-860-9537
Jane Hightower
I was born in West Point, New York, and reared as an "Army Brat", living in Japan, France, and Taiwan among other places. I was a flight attendant with United Airlines for two years, then married an Army dental officer continuing the gypsy life. The family moved to Augusta, Georgia, where I completed my B.A. in psychology. My daughters, Paula and Kristen, and I remained in Augusta and my parents came here for the last 15 years of their lives – a joy for me.
I worked for St. Joseph Hospital for 21 years, managing various programs for the Home Services and hospital. I served as Executive Literary Editor for Kougar Magazine, a cyber-zine for "independent women and the men who love them", and spent a year as the Volunteer Coordinator for Heartland Hospice of Augusta. Since 1992, I have also been in private practice as an energy healer. The privilege of bringing literally hundreds of people into their own healer-ship through teaching Healing Touch, Life Force Healing, Reiki, and Stone Empowerment seminars throughout the country has been my passion.
Stones and Crystals have always fascinated me but, with the energy training, I began to have a much deeper understanding of how they balance, enhance, and support our health – body/mind/spirit. I found that using stones in healing sessions moved the energy faster and helped clients access issues more easily and at a deeper level.
In my study of stones and their healing properties, I kept looking for that one book that made working with stones simple and made the information easy to access. My inability to find just such a book led to my writing the book Stone Empowerment: A Resource for Both the Beginner and the Adept.
Through Heah Tur Genesis, I offer the tools -- the book and the classes -- to make access to the healing vibrations of the stones more easily available to everyone. I also offer distant healing sessions by appointment.
I invite you along on a healing journey whose genesis for each of us is right where we are standing at any given moment.
All information on this web-site is intended to be a supportive part of a holistic approach to health and not intended to replace allopathic medicine (medical doctors), chiropractic care, counseling, or other integrative health modalities. To be truly holistic, use everything at your disposal for your total health and highest good.