Stone Empowerment  
heah tur means high hill
It is my joy to help people recognize they are healers and develop their healership. I offer a variety of classes listed here that address working with energy, with stones, and with the intelligence that runs us.

I also offer individual mentoring to those healers or healers-in-training who wish to have someone in the field for questions or to bounce ideas off of or when in need of a shoulder to lean on.

For more information: Contact Jane Hightower by email: or telephone: (706)-860-9537



For up-to-date class scheduling and costs, please contact Jane Hightower by email: or telephone: (706)-860-9537


Stone Empowerment Classes

These weekend classes are based on the book Stone Empowerment: A Resource for Both the Beginner and the Adept. They are designed to familiarize the participant with the healing properties of stones and how to use them alone or incorporated in other interests and approaches to healing and health. 16 CE hrs are available to massage therapists for each class.

 In Stone Empowerment Class 1 students will learn:

  • To make stone essences and ways to incorporate stones in other interests
  • To sink into a deep communicative state with each stone and receive messages
  • Energy techniques with stones to renew and refresh the Energy System.

 In Stone Empowerment Class 2 students will learn:

  • Communicating with additional stones
  • Rebuilding the chakras and repairing and strengthening the edge of the 7th auric layer
  • The energetics of emotion.

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Healing Touch Classes

Healing Touch is a curriculum of energy-based therapies developed by Janet Mentgen, BSN, RN, HTCP/I, HNC. The Healing Touch student is taught to re-align energy flow, re-activating the body/mind/spirit connection to release blocks to self-healing. The client is empowered to participate fully in this process as all healing is self-healing.

There are five weekend seminars that lead to certification through the Healing Touch Program ( as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP). It is designed for nurses, other health care practitioners, and anyone else who desires an in-depth understanding of energy healing. Jane teaches Levels 1, 2, & 3. Levels 4 & 5 are offered regionally by Healing Touch Program.

Healing Touch Endorsements & Accreditations

Healing Touch Program has been peer-reviewed, and endorsed by American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). We are also endorsed by the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association (CHNA).

AHNA/CHNA   ANCC Accreditation

Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, the world's largest and most prestigious nurse credentialing organization, and a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association (ANA). HTP is the first Energy Medicine education provider to achieve this status.


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Life Force Healing (LFH)

LFH is a new, cutting-edge approach to healing, developed by Dr. Donald Engelhardt, which focuses on the intelligence that drives us rather than on the energy. As such, this seemingly simple technique stands alone or dovetails beautifully with energy healing modalities.

In LFH classes the participant learns about the Central Life Force Intelligence that normally drives the body, how it can be damaged and how to heal it, and the On-Site Life Force - a dormant intelligent force that can be accessed to take over the client’s functioning while simultaneously healing both the individual cells and the Central Life Force Intelligence.

LFH classes also teach how to rid one of extraneous energies which should not be present in or around the body or home and how to prevent reoccurrences of such possession. This one-day class is essential to energy practitioners due to the ease with which they pick up unwanted energies from clients.

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Journey into Energy: Usui Reiki

Learn all about the following:

  • The legends/history of Reiki
  • The founder and those who have followed
  • How it works and experience it
  • Rieki attunements available at all levels

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All information on this web-site is intended to be a supportive part of a holistic approach to health and not intended to replace allopathic medicine (medical doctors), chiropractic care, counseling, or other integrative health modalities. To be truly holistic, use everything at your disposal for your total health and highest good.


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