We are all different vibrational manifestations of the same Energy - the creative force that is the source of all things.
Learn about the power of stones. I offer books, individual healing sessions, and group classes.
The Mineral Kingdom is the first and oldest on Earth -- in fact the Universe. It has witnessed all that has happened since the beginnings of time.
Knowing that and knowing that the Creator put all we need for our own healing and health right here on Earth, you can imagine the powerful ally we have in the Mineral World.
The Mineral Kingdom forms the foundation upon which everything builds and its members welcome us as brothers and sisters.
As you learn about stones - gems, minerals, crystals - talk to them, listen to them, and honor them as they do us.
If this does not make sense to you, take a leap and pretend. You may find Mother Earth's sacred power enhances and enlivens your life more than you can ever imagine.
Above all, have fun!